In a significant move to enhance the Maldives' economic landscape, President Dr Mohamed Muizzu has announced establishing a joint venture, set to launch by April 2025. The Cabinet as well discussed a paper submitted by the Ministry of Fisheries and Ocean Resources.
This initiative aims to diversify our economy and optimise the benefits of our marine resources. The plan includes the designation of mariculture development zones and the allocation of 73 hectares for commercial-scale reef fish farming, paving the way for sustainable growth and innovation in our fisheries sector.
— Ministry of Fisheries and Ocean Resources (@MFORmv) November 21, 2024
During President Dr Mohamed Muizzu's recent visit to India, a significant currency swap agreement valued at USD 400 million was signed, alongside an additional INR 30 billion (approximately USD 357 million). This strategic partnership strengthens our economic ties and fosters excellent financial stability and cooperation between our nations.
Achievements of 52 weeks: Promoting Market Access And International Trade.#Hafthaa52
— Ministry of Economic Development and Trade (@MoEDmv) November 21, 2024
President Dr Mohamed Muizzu reflected on the Administration's efforts to address the country's financial and economic challenges at the official ceremony marking one year since assuming office.
The Maldives and Turkey signed a Preferential Trade Agreement (PTA) on November 12, 2024, to strengthen their bilateral trade relations. The PTA covers 214 items and includes zero tariffs on 38 essential items, such as yellowfin tuna, skipjack tuna, dried fish, and other fish products.
Achievements of 52 weeks: Promoting Market Access And International Trade.#Hafthaa52
— Ministry of Economic Development and Trade (@MoEDmv) November 21, 2024
Bachelor of Education students from the Maldives National University had the invaluable opportunity to visit the People’s Majlis, the Parliament of the Maldives. The Parliamentary Education programs are designed to foster a deeper understanding of our democratic processes and governance. Engaging with the legislative environment enhances our educational journey and empowers us to contribute meaningfully to society.
ދިވެހިރާއްޖޭގެ ޤައުމީ ޔުނިވަރސިޓީގައި ބެޗްލަރ އޮފް އެޑިއުކޭޝަން ކިޔަވަމުންދާ ދަރިވަރުން ރައްޔިތުންގެ މަޖިލިސްކުރާ ގެއަށް ޒިޔާރަތްކުރުން
— People's Majlis (@mvpeoplesmajlis) November 21, 2024
The Minister of Agriculture and Animal Welfare, alongside senior officials, convened with the Quality Assurance and Regulation Division of the Ministry of Health. This collaborative meeting focused on identifying and implementing robust veterinary service standards to strengthen our commitment to animal welfare and public health.
މިނިސްޓްރީ އޮފް އެގްރިކަލްޗަރ އެންޑް އެނިމަލް ވެލްފެއަރގެ މިނިސްޓަރ @min_maaw އާއި މިނިސްޓްރީގެ އިސް މުވައްޒަފުންވަނީ މިނިސްޓްރީ އޮފް ހެލްތްގެ ކުއަލިޓީ އެޝުއަރަންސް އެންޑް ރެގިއުލޭޝަން ޑިވިޝަންގެ އިސްމުވައްޒަފުންނާއި އިއްޔެ ބައްދަލުކުރަށްވާފައެވެ.
— Ministry of Agriculture and Animal Welfare (@MAAWmv) November 21, 2024
“Hafthaa 52,” a comprehensive report highlighting the Attorney General’s Office's significant accomplishments during President Dr Mohamed Muizzu's inaugural year, is now available online. This publication underscores AGO’s commitment to justice, transparency, and the rule of law as we continue to serve our community with integrity and dedication. Explore the journey and milestones!
ހަފްތާ 52: ބަންޑާރަނައިބުގެ އޮފީހުން ކޮށްފައިވާ މަސައްކަތްތަކާއި ކާމިޔާބީތައް ހިމަނައިގެން ތައްޔާރުކޮށްފައިވާ ބުކްލެޓް
— AG Office Maldives (@AGOmv) November 21, 2024
We are proud to announce the formation of a special committee in collaboration with the Ministry of Islamic Affairs and the Ministry of Dhivehi Language, Culture and Heritage, dedicated to celebrating significant Islamic occasions at the national level.
އިސްލާމީ މުހިންމު މުނާސަބަތުތައް، ޤައުމީ ފެންވަރުގައި ފާހަގަކުރުމަށް އިސްލާމީ ކަންތައްތަކާ ބެހޭ ވުޒާރާއާއި މި ވުޒާރާ ގުޅިގެން ޚާއްޞަ ކޮމެޓީއެއް އުފައްދައި، ކޮމެޓީގެ މަޝްވަރާގެ މަތިން ދުވަސްތައް ފާހަގަ ކުރުމުގެ އިންތިޒާމްތައް ހަމަޖައްސާފައި.#ސަރުކާރާއެކުކުރިއަށް#ދައުލަތުގެޓީމު
— Ministry of Dhivehi Language, Culture and Heritage (@MoDLCH) November 21, 2024
Maldives Customs Service held a successful engagement event at the Customs Building in Male City, where members of the public could connect with senior officials. This initiative allowed citizens to seek vital information, voice their concerns, and share valuable suggestions for enhancing Customs’ related services.
— Maldives Customs Service (@CustomsMv) November 21, 2024
Community Open Day by Customs#HomeTeam52#AharugeKaamiyaabeethah
In a video message tonight, President Dr Mohamed Muizzu emphasised the significance of today's constitutional amendments passed by the People's Majlis, describing them as crucial for both the nation and its people. He stated that these amendments would strengthen the country's independence and sovereignty whilst creating a framework for national stability.
މިއަދު ރައްޔިތުންގެ މަޖިލީހުން ފާސްކޮށް ޤާނޫނު އަސާސީއަށް ގެނައި އިޞްލާޙުތަކަކީ ރާއްޖޭގެ ރައްޔިތުންގެ ޙައްޤުގައި، ރާއްޖޭގެ މިނިވަންކަމާ، ސިޔާދަތާ، ތަރައްޤީއާ، ހަމަޖެހުމަށްޓަކައި، ނުހަނު ޖޯޝާއެކު ޤައުމީ ރޫޙުގައި ނިންމެވި ވަރަށް މުހިންމު ނިންމެވުންތަކެއް. މިކަމަށްޓަކައި…
— The President's Office (@presidencymv) November 20, 2024
Ambassador Geela participated in the National Day celebrations of the Sultanate of Oman, hosted by Ambassador H.E. Mrs. Rua Issa Al Zadjali.
Ambassador Geela participated in the National Day celebrations of the Sultanate of Oman, hosted by Ambassador H.E. Mrs. Rua Issa Al Zadjali.
— Embassy of Maldives in Belgium (@MDVinBelgium) November 20, 2024
Felicitations to the Government and the People of the Sultanate of Oman on its 54th National Day.
The Head of the Maldives division at the Asian Development Bank (ADB), Dr Elisabetta Gentile, paid a visit to the People's Majlis today, where she presented a collection of books to the parliamentary library.
Maldives Country Team Leader of The Asian Development Bank (ADB), Dr. Elisabetta Gentile visited the People’s Majlis today and donated some books to the Library of the People’s Majlis.
— People's Majlis (@mvpeoplesmajlis) November 20, 2024
A 'Leadership Enhancement Training of Trainers (ToT)' workshop was conducted by the Ministry of Education for middle management staff working in schools across Kaafu Atoll. A total of 66 participants from 28 schools attended this workshop.
ކ. އަތޮޅުގެ ސްކޫލުތަކުގައި މަސައްކަތްކުރައްވާ މިޑްލް މެނޭޖްމަންޓްގެ މުވައްޒަފުންނަށް އަމާޒުކޮށްގެން ކުރިއަށްދިޔަ "ލީޑަރޝިޕް އެންހޭންސްމެންޓް ޓްރެއިނިންގ އޮފް ޓްރެއިނަރސް (ޓީއޯޓީ)" ވޯކްޝޮޕްގެ ތެރެއިން. މި ވޯކްޝޮޕްގައި 28 ސްކޫލަކުން ޖުމްލަ 66 ބޭފުޅުން ބައިވެރިވި.
— Ministry of Education (@MoEdumv) November 20, 2024
Senior officials from the Ministry of Agriculture and Animal Welfare met today with leaders from TradeNet and NCIT. The meeting focused on identifying and discussing the implementation requirements for completing the Ministry's Agriculture Online System.
މިނިސްޓްރީ އޮފް އެގްރިކަލްޗަރ އެންޑް އެނިމަލް ވެލްފެއަރގެ އިސް ބޭފުޅުން، ޓްރޭޑްނެޓް އަދި އެން.ސީ.އައި.ޓީގެ ވެރިންނާ މިއަދު ވަނީ ބައްދަލުކޮށްފައެވެ. މި ބައްދަލުވުމުގައި، މިނިސްޓްރީގެ އެގްރިކަލްޗަރ އޮންލައިން ސިސްޓަމް އިތުރަށް ހަރުދަނާކޮށް،
— Ministry of Agriculture and Animal Welfare (@MAAWmv) November 20, 2024
Ministry of Social and Family Development extends greetings on World Children's Day, reaffirming their commitment to protecting children's rights and amplifying young voices.
On this World Children’s Day, let's amplify the voices of the next generation and stand firm in protecting their rights. Every child deserves a future where their well-being, safety, and potential are at the forefront.
— Ministry of Social and Family Development (@MSFDmv) November 20, 2024
By prioritizing their needs today, we can build a more just,…